
Avalon’s science curriculum integrates multimedia, including video, audio, text, and interactions, with hands-on activities and virtual labs that provide our students with a rich engaging learning experience. Our curriculum embraces the philosophy of three-dimensional learning and integrates Science and Engineering Practices (SEPs), Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCI), and Cross-Cutting Concepts (CCC). Our students are fully immersed in the work of scientists and engineers developing their own scientific explanations by…

  • Exploring the overarching themes of science,
  • Asking questions,
  • Making claims,
  • Supporting claims with evidence,
  • Designing solutions to real-world problems,
  • Developing the practices that scientists and engineers use daily,
  • Identifying the cross-cutting connections between science.

Social Studies

Avalon’s social studies curriculum is a comprehensive-standards based, core curricular program that uses an inquiry-based approach to enhance literacy and critical thinking skills. Our curriculum brings historical events, concepts, and phenomena to life for our students with engaging multimedia resources including interactive text, maps, and timelines, plus videos, photos, audio, and over 3,000 primary sources. Our students learn about…

  • World Geography and Cultures
  • World History
  • U.S. History- Prehistory to Reconstruction
  • U.S. History – Civil War to Present
  • U.S. History- Prehistory to The Progressive Era
  • U.S. History- Prehistory to Present
  • Civics and Government.


Avalon’s math curriculum is a standard based, core curricular program that promotes deep and critical thinking skills among the students. Our math program concentrates on fewer topics and forces students to deeper understanding of math concepts, specifically manipulating and working with numbers on a much deeper level. Our program focuses on students practice fluency, developing concrete understanding of abstract concepts such as number bonds and regrouping, engaging in independent practice, and frequent checks for understanding. Our math program focuses on the key concepts of…

  • Counting and Cardinality (CC)
  • Operations and Algebraic Thinking (OA)
  • Number and Operations in Base Ten (NBT)
  • Number and Operations- Fractions (NF)
  • Measurement and Data (MD)
  • Geometry (G)
  • Number Systems (NS)
  • Expressions and Equations (EE)
  • Functions (F)
  • Statistics and Probability (SP)


Avalon’s ELA (English Language Arts) curriculum is an all-inclusive, standards based, core curricular program that integrates authentic texts and literature to master the essential skills of reading, writing, speaking, listening, grammar, and vocabulary. All strands of the standards taught are assimilated throughout each unit with:

  • Instructional Routines that empower students to tackle complex texts with increasing independence within and across grades.
  • Text-Dependent Questions to guide students to a deep understanding and establish a basis for the use of evidence in oral and written communication.
  • Explicit Writing Instruction to empower students to write essays, narratives, arguments, and informational pieces.
  • Text-Based Vocabulary that provides the basis for morphology and word work.
  • Formative Assessments that inform teachers and students on progress towards knowledge and skill mastery.


Avalon’s elementary music curriculum consists of a well-planned sequence of developmentally appropriate experiences leading to clearly defined skills and knowledge. Our music curriculum is designed to actively involve students of all learning modalities using materials carefully selected for their aesthetic value. Our curriculum is aligned with the National Standards for Arts Education. Music activities include many opportunities for students to sing, play instruments, move to music, listen and analyze, learn musical notation, create, and perform. Students are engaged in our music program twice a week for 30 minutes and include instruction on the recorder, keyboard, guitar, ukulele, and general music education. At our school, we value allowing the students the opportunity to be creative and develop a passion for the arts.

Physical Education (PE)

Avalon’s Physical Education program is based upon the acquisition of knowledge and skills that are the foundation for engaging in physical activity. Our curriculum is a sequential educational program that is based on physical activities undertaken in an active, caring, supportive and nonthreatening atmosphere in which every student is challenged and successful. Our goal is to provide every student with a wide variety of physical activities and challenges that will contribute to the development and maintenance of their physical, cognitive, and affective well-being. Students are engaged in our Physical Education program twice a week for 30 minutes wherein the students have the opportunity to move, compete, and develop essential team building skills.